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Friday, March 18, 2011


I have the most stressful week of my post-graduate career. I'm having an interview for my Master program next Wednesday and I cannot stop stressing out about it. I really want to get in this program and praying for them to accept me after the interview. There were over 3000 applicants yet only 70 can get an interview, one of them is me. (YAY). THEN after the interview, only 30 out of 70 can get in the program. :( *stress *stress*

I have been reviewing my notes from previous classes in my undergrad, just in case they ask for my knowledge of the program. I am deadly nervous as the day gets closer.

The reason I write this post is to apologize for lack of entries. I'll get back to my daily journal as soon as the interview is over.
Thank you and check back for more. I have a nail polish review coming up! :D

<3 Until Then.


  1. Nice blog. We follow you and we hope you follow us back:)

  2. Thanks!! I already did follow you. :D
    I love the colors and angles of ur pix. very unique.
