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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Boob Life - Chest Exercises (old blog)

Last night I stumbled onto this awesome website called lifescript while trying to find some new tech for the homes (the guys in my life). This cool website explains and shows you how to get the exact boobs that you want and show it off!

I don't have the smallest or biggest boobs. I also don't want to have big boobs on this tiny body of 5 ft short. Yet when it comes to "how to get bigger boobs" without surgery, who wouldn't want to try it... right? :)

I tried the steps on the second page last night and the result? My boobs are still the same... same size, same shape (because you won't be able to see the change after two to four weeks! *hit on head* DUH*) However the exercise made me shredded some weight! or maybe It was just me...

I've gained much weight this past year and still need to lose them back to my normal size. After the exercise last night, I woke up feeling like I was skinny again. I'm not sure if these steps will help my boobs but I'm sure it helped my tummy!

If you have some times, click on the link ( and try it yourself! As for me, I will try it again tonight! They suggest to do those three steps (more like 3 pages of short steps!) two or three times a week and you will see the result as little as two to four weeks! We shall wait and see!

Good luck :)

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