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Monday, March 14, 2011

Outdoor swap meet. $1 dollar each!

My camera is finally dried up a bit and hopefully it will go back to its normal function. Here are the pictures as promise from my swap meet find. Make sure to click on the pictures for bigger size.

This place I found at Golden West outdoor swap meet on McFadden and Golden West. They sell everything for $1 dollar each! They have everything from necklace, ring to cheap cosmetics to hair products such as pins and headbands. I love this swan necklace for a dollar!

<3 until then.


  1. I haven't been at swap meet for long time. ahhh.. I miss to go shopping with you in downtown LA. ={

  2. yahhh you have to come back soon so we can go again! i havent been there in ages. This is at Goldenwest swap meet.
