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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Travel: A Pleasant Birthday Weekend ♥

The King at Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament.

Last week was an interesting week of the year so far. It was three of my closest friends' birthday. Yes you read it right... THREE! All three were born on the same day, same month and same year! Happy 26th birthday to My boyfriend, Kristy, one of my friends who I know the longest (14 years+), and most of all, my best friend for over 10 years, Lili.

On Thursday March 24 was the exact birthday of them three, yet I cannot spend the night with my boyfriend because we both had to work. As for Lili, she moved to North Dakota to work. (boohoo) She will be back this weekend to celebrate her birthday in California with us. However, I had a chance to finally celebrate Kristy's birthday with her (after 8 years of separation).

I bought Kristy this awesome Black Forest cake at this French bakery near my work and OHHH EM GEEE i have to say this is the BEST Black Forest cake I have ever eaten... Inside it has fruit that was soaked with rum for a long time and it just balance out the sweetness of this whole cake. It also has beautiful chocolate cutouts design around the cake to make it a hint of mystery (cause it's a black forest :D).  On top and center of the cake has a nice (sugary) flower that looks almost real. I've also tried their Macha cake and I absolutely love it as well.

As you can see the pictures on top were the events that I had set up for my boyfriend's birthday weekend. I rented a helicopter (with a pilot of course) to take us around downtown LA. The special thing about this is that you can see downtown LA (Hollywood strip) in another perspective. I mean we both live and been to downtown LA many many and many times, but we don't see what we saw until this helicopter ride. If you look at the city down from the sky, it's totally a different city. It's beautiful. It was both of us first time on a helicopter as well therefore we were amazed how everything is so small, beautiful yet so familiar.

My dinner for this special day was at Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament. He and I had been talking about this since we started dating (about 2 years ago) but we have not have had the chance to go. Since we'll be on the road to celebrate his birthday, I decided to book celebration packages for him and I as well.

I have to say that I really enjoyed the dinner and the entertainment that they provided. The tournament was very interesting. The horses were very well trained as well as great actors! Medieval Times has been around for years and years! The show we went was a sold out event and wow I must say it was like a small Disneyland inside the castle!

I highly recommend Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament. I do not work for them nor they are sponsor me (I wish). I just love the old ancient design, the theme of the whole castle.. and many more!
 If you have a chance to visit Southern California, Please PLEASE take a night to visit Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament in Buena Park. If it's someone's birthday from your group, call their 1-800 number to get free dinner for that special someone. ;)

This weekend will be my best friend Lili's birthday celebration! I can't wait. :)

<3 Until Then.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sweet date for you and the BF :) The cake looks delish and I haven't been to Medieval Times since junior high but it is a fun experience, haha I even got picked to be the princess cause our knight won.

  3. ohh really? LOl thats awesome! was your the red knight?

  4. That's a cool Helicopter!! ^_^ but a cute couple make a scene is such a beauty place.
