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Monday, March 14, 2011

Bridge to Nowhere Trail 3/13/11

Hi beauties,

I finally got my camera cable back! However, my camera is under "drying" stage right now because of my adventurous weekend.

Saturday was just a normal day with full of events with my boyfriend.
Sunday was our plan to go hiking with one of our friends, Mike. We got there around 12 pm, a bit late for our normal hiking plans. Anyway, it was our first time going to the Bridge of Nowhere trail. Without any preparation for a water trail (even though we packed for our regular mountain trail), we just went for a heck of it. We got to a small stream that leads to a bigger stream, eventually become a river from the other end. We tried to figure out how to get across the other side of the small river before it becomes a bigger one. We first walked along the edges of the rocks with our feet inside the freezing cold water with strong currents. It was okay with us until we reach the opening of the (where we called it) small river. I wish I have a picture of the river. It was so beautiful. The whole trail was beautiful.

Mike, Aaron and I tried to cross the river by leaning forward and kneeling our feet (same as the half squashing position) as we walk step by step to cross the water. However the currents were too strong, it washed all 3 of us away!!! It was pretty scary when I got washed away because there were many random rocks and tree branches in the river. I tried to swim back and forth to get myself position and grab a log along the rocks to push myself up against the water. I felt like I was in a movie! As soon as I got myself up, I saw my boyfriend got washed away too! (hahhaha). We both got up and continue our journey (amazing right? we just don't know when to give up! lol). THEN! I realized my camera and our phones were in the camel pack! OH NOOOs. It was a sad day for technology. We continue the hike just for the heck of it. We came to this dead end where you would have to cross back and forth the river to get to the "bridge to nowhere". We thought if we could not cross the river the first time, how could we cross it multiple times... It was our fault for not prepare ourselves and not thinking about the hiking season. Spring is the worse time to go hiking at a water trail because the snow would melt and causes the water to flow even stronger and colder.
We eventually decided to delay our trip until Summer. On the way back, the water got higher, stronger and much colder. The part of the river where we fell earlier suddenly got super strong. We had to wait and find ourselves other ways to get across. Lucky enough, there were other hikers who are bigger and more experienced, helped us hands in hands to cross. It was team work right there. There was a guy who took a picture of us team. I wish I have his name and number so I can get the picture. hahah. It was an adventure for us. When I got home, I found several bruises on my legs. I have a picture of it to prove my "braveness". hahah

My phone and camera is now drying under the sun. I hope it still works. *sigh*. I got washed away just from a small stream of a river and end up with bruises and body aches.. I can't imagine how the people in Japan who got washed away by a tsunami last week. *pray and hope for the best for them*.

*updates: My uncles in Hawaii is doing A-okay!  Also my friends in Japan are okay. Even though they continuously having shocks, after shocks, I believe Japan will pull itself up again.

<3 until then for another adventure!

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