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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Travel: A Pleasant Birthday Weekend ♥

The King at Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament.

Last week was an interesting week of the year so far. It was three of my closest friends' birthday. Yes you read it right... THREE! All three were born on the same day, same month and same year! Happy 26th birthday to My boyfriend, Kristy, one of my friends who I know the longest (14 years+), and most of all, my best friend for over 10 years, Lili.

On Thursday March 24 was the exact birthday of them three, yet I cannot spend the night with my boyfriend because we both had to work. As for Lili, she moved to North Dakota to work. (boohoo) She will be back this weekend to celebrate her birthday in California with us. However, I had a chance to finally celebrate Kristy's birthday with her (after 8 years of separation).

I bought Kristy this awesome Black Forest cake at this French bakery near my work and OHHH EM GEEE i have to say this is the BEST Black Forest cake I have ever eaten... Inside it has fruit that was soaked with rum for a long time and it just balance out the sweetness of this whole cake. It also has beautiful chocolate cutouts design around the cake to make it a hint of mystery (cause it's a black forest :D).  On top and center of the cake has a nice (sugary) flower that looks almost real. I've also tried their Macha cake and I absolutely love it as well.

As you can see the pictures on top were the events that I had set up for my boyfriend's birthday weekend. I rented a helicopter (with a pilot of course) to take us around downtown LA. The special thing about this is that you can see downtown LA (Hollywood strip) in another perspective. I mean we both live and been to downtown LA many many and many times, but we don't see what we saw until this helicopter ride. If you look at the city down from the sky, it's totally a different city. It's beautiful. It was both of us first time on a helicopter as well therefore we were amazed how everything is so small, beautiful yet so familiar.

My dinner for this special day was at Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament. He and I had been talking about this since we started dating (about 2 years ago) but we have not have had the chance to go. Since we'll be on the road to celebrate his birthday, I decided to book celebration packages for him and I as well.

I have to say that I really enjoyed the dinner and the entertainment that they provided. The tournament was very interesting. The horses were very well trained as well as great actors! Medieval Times has been around for years and years! The show we went was a sold out event and wow I must say it was like a small Disneyland inside the castle!

I highly recommend Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament. I do not work for them nor they are sponsor me (I wish). I just love the old ancient design, the theme of the whole castle.. and many more!
 If you have a chance to visit Southern California, Please PLEASE take a night to visit Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament in Buena Park. If it's someone's birthday from your group, call their 1-800 number to get free dinner for that special someone. ;)

This weekend will be my best friend Lili's birthday celebration! I can't wait. :)

<3 Until Then.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Favorite: Favorite of the Week

First layer, without primer.

Second layers, without primer

I've been wearing these Sally Girl Mini Baked eye shadows everyday of this week! and I can say that I love these eye shadows! These eye shadows are very pigmented. It's very small (only 1.4 g) so it's very easy for someone who likes to travel. Not only it's very pigmented, it's only 99 cents each! As you can see in pictures (natural lights and no photoshopped) the colors are very bright!  It's a bit sheer when you use it without a primer, but if you pack it on the second layer, you can see its true colors. However, if you use a primer before these eye shadows, one layer is good enough. It also has these gold/silver glitter that reflects lights and camera flash.  I only got two because I just wanted to test out the quality of these Sally Girl cosmetics. I believe there are 6 or 7 colors total.

It can be use wet or dry. I've hear that you can use this as an eyeliner color. I've hear that you can use this as an eyeliner but I have not try it as an eyeliner color yet.

I use the white eye shadow as a high light color. Because of its sheerness, very nicely glitter.It's a good color to high light under your eyebrow, cheek bones, nose and everywhere else you need to high light.

I use the blue to mix with my stila kitty eye shadow for everyday wear. The color is easy to blend with other colors and lasts all day!

You can buy these Sally Girl eye shadow for 0.99 cents at your local Sally Beauty stores or online at

I have used this with and without a primer and it lasts all day! I love these eye shadow because it's cheap, easy to travel and very pigmented. It worth every penny! I'm sure I'll get more on my next trip to Sally Beauty store.

ad. Sally Girl Mini Baked Eye Shadow

Monday, March 21, 2011

Raining weekend.

Last weekend was so emo. Southern California weather is going through the weird weather stage again. It rained the whole day on Sunday, makes lazy Sunday even lazier.

On Saturday, Aaron and I got a new toy! Aaron bought this cool projector called Cinemin Swivel from WowWee at Brookstone. We felt in love with it as soon as the guy showed us how it worked. It was amazing! It was amazing to us because one time while laying on bed, looking at the ceiling and we said to ourselves that if we ever have a house, we will install a big TV on the ceiling so we can just watch movies while laying on bed. With this new toy, we can do it without big installation hassle! It basically project whatever movie/music videos you are playing on your ipod/iphone/ipad or even your computer! on wherever you want. Because of the swivel, we can adjust the angles and how far we want it to be. The tiny Cinemin Swivel (about my palm size) can goes up to 60 inches (as big as 60 inches tv!). The down side to this Cinemin Swivel is that it has to be shown in a dark room because the build in lights are not bright enough for a regular light room. Also its build in speaker is a big low; however, you can always use your external speaker!

Pros :
Includes iPod/iPhone adapter
Long-lasting battery (135 minutes)
Relatively low brightness (8 lumens)
PC connectivity requires extra-cost accessory
Bottom Line:
Designed primarily as an Apple accessory, the Cinemin Swivel projects colorful iPod and iPhone images right out of the box.


WowWee's Cinemin Swivel is one of the more distinct pico projectors on the market thanks to its swiveling design, which allows you to project images at various angles, including straight up at the ceiling.
In case you don't know what a pico projector is, as its name implies, it's a miniature handheld projector that's capable of casting a big image (WowWee says the Cinemin Swivel can project an image from 8 inches to 50 inches). The key to these pint-size projectors is that they use an LED light source that's very energy efficient. Pico projectors come in different shapes and sizes; most cost between $200 and $300, and they currently sport resolutions up to 640x480 pixels, though the Cinemin Swivel only offers 480x320 pixels or HVGA resolution. This model uses DLP technology for projecting an image. That's the same technology employed in many rear-projection TVs, but projected on an external wall, movie-theater-style, instead of the backside of a TV screen.

The Cinemin Swivel is similar in size to competing pico projectors, but the 3M MPro120 is slightly smaller and more compact. Weighing in at 6.4 ounces and measuring 5 inches by 3 inches by 8.5 inches, the Swivel model does indeed fit in a pocket (or easily slips in a laptop bag) and comes with a protective sleeve.
The projector is designed to sit on a flat surface, then tilted slightly upward (yes, there's a hinge in the middle of the projector that allows you to tilt the front up). Like other pico projectors, this one doesn't have any keystone settings, so getting a perfectly rectangular image does take some tinkering, and you do have to play around with the focus as you move the projector around.
The Cinemin Swivel can use any video source with a composite AV output, such as most portable DVD players; invest in a separate $30 VGA adapter, and you can use a laptop as well. But WowWee has made a conscious effort to market to iPhone and iPod (with video) owners, bundling in an Apple adapter cable. The adapter comes with a short, detachable foot-long AV cord that connects your Apple device to the projector. There's also a port on the adapter that allows you to connect your iPod or iPhone to your computer via USB and charge it at the same time. The Cinemin Swivel runs for about 2 hours on its removable lithium ion battery; it can charge via USB as well.

My opinion:
We got this baby including the extra adapter for our laptop total of $300.00 ($230 for the swivel and $30 for the extra part + tax) at brookstone. I know if you use amazon link (links below), you can get cheaper deal. We just did not want to wait to test it out, so we went ahead and got the projector. My opinion is that this baby worth every penny. Its projected pixel is big enough for home and and its size is small enough for someone who travels often. It's a good deal for couple hundreds.

Here is a youtube review for the toy. Check it out yourself at your local brookstone.

p.s. Amazon has it for cheaper price.  
and you need this extra part for your computer. 

Here is the youtube review.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Deals: Free Sephora Collection 7-in-1 Full Action Masacara. Expires 4/7/2011

Hey beauties,

Here is another deal of the week for you guys. Stop by Sephora inside JCPenney for a free Express Service, and take home a deluxe sample of Sephora Collection 7-in-1 Full Action Masacara. Expires 4/7/11

Click on the pix and save the coupon to print and bring it to JC penny Sephora for your free mascara.

<3 Until Then. :D


I have the most stressful week of my post-graduate career. I'm having an interview for my Master program next Wednesday and I cannot stop stressing out about it. I really want to get in this program and praying for them to accept me after the interview. There were over 3000 applicants yet only 70 can get an interview, one of them is me. (YAY). THEN after the interview, only 30 out of 70 can get in the program. :( *stress *stress*

I have been reviewing my notes from previous classes in my undergrad, just in case they ask for my knowledge of the program. I am deadly nervous as the day gets closer.

The reason I write this post is to apologize for lack of entries. I'll get back to my daily journal as soon as the interview is over.
Thank you and check back for more. I have a nail polish review coming up! :D

<3 Until Then.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Rock & Republic Cosmetics Collection

Hi beauties,

This blog will only be about my Rock and Republic cosmetics collection. I am not going into details with the review yet because it will be in my future's post. I have tons of pictures and swatches to show you this time before I write an in dept review on Rock and Republic cosmetics. I made the CD palette myself. If you want to know how, please leave a comment below. Remember this pictures are indoor with flash. Click on the pictures to see bigger size.

Scene, fade, ciggy,
brink, affair, femme,
faded, snakeskin, tempting.

The 2 outside: top: wicked, bottom: Scorch
Affair. My 2 favorite eyeshadows so far. 
Fatalistic, chain link, Hangover
Envy (top), twisted (bottom)
top: Alloy, electric. Middle: scorch, asphalt. bottom: wicked, paranoid

Blush: immoral
blush: Shameless

These swatches are without a primer base. I tried to make it as real as possible. Also, I tried to take as many angles as possible to show how pigmented they are.

The pictures below are blushes and lip gloss. You will see there are 2 different types of swatches for blushes because one would be how it would look like in the package and the other one would be how it looks like on after you use your brush.

Lip gloss: train wreck


This is my Rock and Republic cosmetics collection. This is not to brag on how many of R&R cosmetics I have. I just want to show how much I love them and that I would spend tons of money on it. They are highly pigmented. I hope you enjoy this blog. For more in dept review, please check back later. :)

<3 Until then.

ad.  Rock & Republic Powder Pressed Blush - ShamelessRock & Republic Contrived Pressed Blush ImmoralRock & Republic Saturate Eye Color DENIM

Monday, March 14, 2011

Outdoor swap meet. $1 dollar each!

My camera is finally dried up a bit and hopefully it will go back to its normal function. Here are the pictures as promise from my swap meet find. Make sure to click on the pictures for bigger size.

This place I found at Golden West outdoor swap meet on McFadden and Golden West. They sell everything for $1 dollar each! They have everything from necklace, ring to cheap cosmetics to hair products such as pins and headbands. I love this swan necklace for a dollar!

<3 until then.