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Friday, June 17, 2011

June Haul: Costco and Walmart Haul

Hi beauties,

I went to Costco and Walmart the other day to get some supplies for my boyfriend's trip and my cosmetic needs. Here are the things I got.
I got the OFF! insect repellent for my boyfriend. He'll be on Utah hiking trip with his friends for 5 days. I'm sure there will be bugs and insects around him and I don't want him to come back with tons of bug bites on his body. lol.

I headed to Walmart after Costco because I was running out of makeup wipes and I remember Walmart has this awesome makeup wipes that comparable to Loreal (? or was it Olay?) but for fraction of the price! It comes with 2 packs and each pack has 120 wipes for $6 dollars! I've been using it and it's pretty good so far.
I also heard about this Kirkland makeup wipes that Costco carry but I haven't use it so I didn't want to risk it. And the Equate makeup from Walmart is a bit cheaper. hehe

During April and May, I have very strong allergies and it causes my nose to dry. In addition to that, the weather is so dry lately and it damaged my skin even more. I decided to pick up Cetaphil daily moisturizer. I heard many good review about this. I also remember seeing on a magazine that some celebrity was carrying this in her bag... I forgot who it was... Anyway, I started using it for a week and I did see dramatic change on my face! It has SPF 15, so it was a good double deal for me. I apply it before I put on my foundation and keep reapply the Cetaphil every 30 mins or so throughout the day. (That's how dry my skin is!) After a week, my skin is so much smoother, even smoother than my skin before it was dry! I love it soo much! I'm sure I'll be buying some more for back up. :D

I was so sure I did not have anymore Q-Tip at home, so I picked up the Equate, comparable to Q-Tip for half the price! I went home, open the package out and divided it into three because I share it with my brother and my cousin at home... and I found out that I just bought a pack of Q-Tip couple weeks ago. :( YAY for my great memory! But then now I know I wont be  purchasing Q-tip any time soon!

One of my favorite to go foundation is Maybelline dream smooth mousse. I picked up one at Walmart as well. Without checking for the unopened package or if it was the last one.. I went ahead and buy it...

I went home and I found this!!!

OH-EM-GEE! Someone had open it and used it in the store!!! I was pissed, disgusted and sooo mad at whoever did it and also at Walmart! Who the heck test out an item like that and put it back. It was not even at its original location! I mean the sponge is in the bottom of the damn foundation! HELLO?? ARgHH
I got so mad, I went back to Walmart before work right the next day. They gave me a look like "Who bitch you did this and you want to return it?" I gave her a look back that should say "Your lazy ass so lazy to get it restock and check your damn shelves and now I want my refund or exchange!" I didn't technically say it but I was super mad. I told the cashier the whole story and said I just wanted to exchange. She said this was the last one and asked me if I wanted to get it in another color... HELLO?? Don't you know that you have to use foundation that matches your skin? ARgH stupid conversation that lasted for 15 minutes! I have this love and hate relationship with Walmart. I love their cheap prices but I hate the irresponsible shoppers! Or maybe the lazy workers. Argh. Don't get me wrong, not all Walmart is like that but I'm sure the Walmart near my house is just like that. >:(
I then went to the cosmetic section and got the powder one instead. I remember MissGlamorazzi really liked this powder. So I picked it up for an exchange. I like it so far. I'll be sure to do a review about it for you guys.

That's it for now. Check back for more review, hauls and saving tips!

<3 Until then.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

$9 for 2 Fandango Movie Tickets!!! Deal Expires 06/10/11

Hey deal grabbers!

I had a post before about and Today I found out that has a deal for movie tickets!

$9 dollars for 2 fandango movie tickets!!!

Here is the link for it. $9 for 2 movie tickets. The deal expires midnight tonight on 6/10/11! Be sure to grab it before it's gone!
 You cannot beat this deal because it's like buy one get one free! :D

<3 until then.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

May Haul (my first haul post)

Hi beauties,

I had a chance to visit the old town Santa Barbara, CA with my boyfriend during May for our 2nd year anniversary. It was a relaxing small get away from the busy city. While relaxing myself there, I managed to grab some goodies before and on the trip.

Click on the pictures for bigger size.

And now the break down: 

I think this is one of the best things I bought so far this year. I saw Michelle Phan, the famous makeup guru from Youtube, wore one of these in her video. I was jaw dropping, drool over that cool looking ring (or finger wrapper?). I wanted one of these. 

I found this baby at a store called "The closet" in old town Santa Barbara. If you don't know what The Closet is all about, it's basically a second hand store. They buy back brand names or good used items and resell with a cheaper price for us second hand deal grabbers. I got this baby for $9.00 plus tax. It was a steal! 
 Did I say I love this?? well I will say it again! I LOVEE LOVEE IT!

I bought these ELF palettes from Target for $5 each to try out and perhaps I can make a "weekly" look post using these cheap palettes. They are pretty good so far. I'm liking it! For $5.00 with all those colors!? YES PLEASE!

Left: NYC in 309B sheer red at Target on sale for $0.86
Middle: NYX lip smacking in summer love at Fashion District for $1.50
Right: Stila lip & cheek stain in Acai Crush at Nordstrom Rack for $5.00

I really like NYC lipstick. The color is nice, stays about an hour or two and the price is definitely a keeper.  I'm not too fond of the NYX lipstick. It washed away my lips and makes my face very pale. Maybe I could find a good coral lip gloss to top over it. 
I seriously scare of using the Stila Lip & Cheeks stain because it's really red and it doesn't come off! It stayed on my lips for days! I swear. It just did not come off! I also tried it on my cheeks and Oh-Em-Gee, I have blush-y red cheeks for about 24 hours+. I will sure do a review and swatches on it if you guys want me to.

Boyfriend bought me this awesome shirt!!! It was only for $15.00. The brand is Romeo and Juliet Couture. It's a pretty long short, or maybe it's long for me because I'm only 5' tall. I wear this shirt with a skinny jeans and thin belt to define my curve and end it with a black pump. I may would add a long necklace with it too. The best thing about this shirt is its shoulder. Check this out.

The shoulder is padded with this awesome silver looking things that make a simple (cheap) shirt into a very fashionable shirt! I usually wear shirts in XS or S but I got this in Medium because I want to wear it as an off-shoulder shirt for summer. It's a nice dress up shirt or casual shirt.

I also went to Walmart and got some goodies. I have to be honest with you that I have a love and hate relationship with Walmart. Their prices are good but some things there are just too shady! I will go into details when I get a chance to do the Walmart haul for you guys.

Thank you for reading! Remember, when my blog hit 50 readers, I have another giveaway for you guys. :D Come back and check often!

<3 Until Then.

Friday, June 3, 2011

New Hauls coming!

Hi beauties,

Sorry for lack of post. I've been busy with work and events, especially with the past holidays. I bought tons of new stuff and ready for my first haul! :D

Please check back soon.

<3 until then.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sigma e25 Brush giveaway winner!

Hi gals,

This is a post for my first giveaway winner, hosted by Sigma makeup. The giveaway ended 33 minutes ago and I have to get this up before I head to bed.

Winner, please contact me at with your name, email and address, so Sigma can contact you and send you the prize. Thank you for enter!

As for people who did not win, don't be sad, I will have another giveaway very soon when I reach 50 readers. Yes just 50! I have 23 so far. :) Thank you so much for reading!

There were 13 entries and Here is the winner!
Her entry to me that she had never own a Sigma brush before. well congratulation to Me, Myself and I for winning her first Sigma Brush. I have contacted her via her blog, hopefully I'll hear from her soon.

<3 Until then.